Tuesday, May 29, 2007

On the Nature of God

I've recently been struggling with my understanding of the Bible.

I'm not going to say the Bible is the final authority on God, because, well, I can't.

I believe I hear from God. At least, I hear a voice in my head, and sometimes audibly, that gives me advice and explains the concepts that are basic to Christianity not only logically, but in ways I can put them into practice in my daily life.

But when I read the bible, the voice doesn't agree with everything in there?

So, I'm faced with a few questions.

Is the bible not completely accurate?
Or if it is, am I not hearing from God?

These questions have been burning in my lately, and I'm studying more and more of the history, from both secular and religious sources. Granted, I disregard the fundamentalists, because they are crazy and stupid. More destructive in their approach to their beliefs than they are helpful. I find them to usually be hateful and misguided people, more likely unwitting pawns of Satan if there is such a being.

However, I do qualify as a fanatic, which somewhat implies that my lot lies with them, or at least on their side of the fence.

My shepherd is leaving the path. The man whom I turned too for religious counsel has doubts. This isn't surprising. A lot of the most devout sometimes doubt. I don't. But then, I'm hardly devout. I'm practical. I'm a soldier of my God, prepared to fight ignorance, hate, prejudice, and selfishness while trying to promote open mindedness, love, and acceptance of each other in our differences. It's a long battle, and I doubt I'll do anything that really leaves a lasting mark. But wars are won by the small contributions of everyone who fights in them.

But it pains me I can't give my shepherd any concrete answers, even if he wouldn't accept them, in his time of questioning. As I'm locked into my own struggle of trying to find out where I stand.

My good friend suggested maybe it is time for a new bible. But I'm terribly concerned that such an act is a mistake born of terrible hubris. I'm not that arrogant, that I could have a better idea of who God is than everyone else.

But when I look at my brothers and sisters in Christ, I also think they are crazy and dangerous a lot of the time. It bothers me, but I've actually been considering my friend's suggestion. And I'm worried, because there is a selfish aspect of me that says, "Wouldn't it be cool if I could reshape the way man understands God, makes it better?"

THAT is Pride, and selfishness. I could never even attempt to transcribe words of divine origin while holding such a emotional or mental state. So at the moment, it's not a consideration. But seriously, the writings we have are... lacking. And the messages my current creed gives are contradictive, and counterintuitive.

Still, I serve the God that Christ did. Because I cannot abandon Christ, or his life and it's message. But I'm torn. I don't know what to do, and I'm struggling with my faith. Not in that I have faith, but in that I'm not certain how I should proceed.

Keep me in your prayers.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My personal belief is that the Bible hs been translated and retranlated in so many different languages and by so many different people that the original words have been lost to ancient aristocratic vanity and beliefs. Also the church used to (and still does to an extent) wield considerable political influence. I'm sure that the message has been perverted or altered to suit the needs of whatever monarch they served. Sometimes it was even altered to serve themselves. My personal belief is that you won't find the answers to these philosophical questions in a book. You have to search within yourself to come up with the answers you seek.