Thursday, May 31, 2007

Rought Waters and Failed Bilge Pumps.

The Goodship Aldritch is taking on water. She's weathering the swells fairly well, and has a heading, but more often then not you're hearing the keel crack and snap just a bit more with each wave she hits.

My good friend Shaun is getting blasted by situation after situation. First he's hit by someone from behind while in his car, and now he's possibly getting the ticket for it. Add to that the next car he got just blew a hose, or the radiator, and is spewing hot liquids all over the engine when he drives it. And to add insult to injury, he is tight for finances as he has lent money to his sister, when she needed it, just a month or two back. Now she is getting a paid vacation from work, and is using her extra time and funds to go on a road trip. Not to repay her debts, especially in his time of need.

I'll be seeing to helping him manage his old vehicle while she's in drydock, but there's only so much the Sara Lisse can devote, having to watch her coffers carefully herself.

My friend is considering going active duty, and making his way across the big puddle to the distant and sandy deserts of Iraq, where his particular type of soldier is getting extra attention from the enemy. Actually, by considering, I mean to say he's in the process of. And why? Well, everytime he gets ahead financially, his family drains him. He's a good man, and is often spurred by guilt, whether it's well-earned or not. The bit of extra leeway his tax returns would have nabbed him paid of HIS debts, and helped out his sis.

I can only wish him luck, and that he finds a safe port soon.

~ Jera

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know why he would voluntarily go to Iraq. Even if times are tough at home, they should still be preferable to Iraq. I hope he'll be okay.